かねてより私淑していた書家 小書齋氏に師事。
2021年 江戸末期より続く伊勢国亀山の老舗「瑞宝軒」の新商品「龍乃髭」のロゴを揮毫。
2022年2月 京町堀chignittaにて書画展「客人」を開催
Influenced by my grandmother, who was a master calligrapher, I grew up in an environment where I became familiar with ink.
When I was in high school, I learned to enjoy writing even more, and I continued to draw calligraphy on my own.
After the Corona disaster, I decided to start learning calligraphy from scratch and studied under Koshosai, a calligrapher whom I had admired for a long time.
In 2021, he wrote the logo for the new product "Ryu-no-Hige" of Zuihoken, a long-established shop in Kameyama, Ise Province, which has been in business since the end of the Edo period.
February 2022 Held a calligraphy and painting exhibition "MALOWD" at Kyomachibori chignitta.