- Contract Address
- 0xb30fc2d754c88c451275b743b6f530f19f643683
- Token ID
- 0x0000000000010000048c0000001dbfa4
Dj Shikemoku
Dj Shikemoku Dj Shikemoku started his DJ career at the age of 20 in his hometown of Fukuoka. From the age of 22, he moved to Australia and the Philippines to experience club culture overseas. His groovy and genre-defying performances have been cultivated based on his rich international sensibilities. Currently active in Dj live streaming and at local clubs and bars in Fukuoka. Dj Shikemoku 20歳より地元福岡でDJ活動を開始する。 22歳より活動拠点をオーストラリア、フィリピンへ変え海外のクラブ文化を体感。豊富な国際感覚を元に培われたグルーヴ感あふれるジャンルの枠を超えたプレイ。 現在 Djライブ配信と地元福岡のクラブやバーで活動中。
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グラフィック”ものつくり”を経て2010年よりアート活動開始。2016年から絵本をAmazonKindleにて電子書籍で販売。2022年からNFTスタート。 1996 Worked as a graphic designer at an advertising agency. 2001 Started artistic activities (small leather goods and other Japanese style goods). Exhibited at FREEDOM, Laforet Harajuku. Goods sold at men's brand shops, etc. 2002 Exhibited at Design Festa, Kichijoji street shop Sora. 2003 Exhibited at Odakyu Department Store. 2004 Exhibited at the International Fashion Fair (IFF), Spring and Autumn (BigSight). 2004 Exhibited at Yokohama Sogo Event, Landmark Yokohama Shonan Artist Exhibition. 2005 Exhibited at Cerulean Tower, Shibuya. 2006 Exhibited at ISF, Ikebukuro Sunshine 60. 2007 Solo exhibition at Mu, Studio ZEN, Motomachi, Yokohama / Charming Sale. 2009 Solo exhibition at BAR DR, Asakusa. 2010 Solo exhibition at PRAT FORM STUID [THE TANGO], Ginza, Tokyo. 2011 Exhibited in an artist booth at Jingu Gaien Tokyo Designer Week / Appeared on Chuo FM. 2011 Solo exhibition at Serikawa Gallery, Ginza, organized by Fortune-Telling Art Cafe, Oshiro Exhibition. 2013 Opened Zakkaya Tenmuyu, selling glass accessories and miscellaneous goods / Appeared on Radio Berry. 2015 Exhibited in the "HAND MADE IN JAPAN" Obidome Dosu Series. Amazon kindle picture book e-book sales / MARRY CALL, English translation by Shohei Otaki 2016 Picture books, HEARTS / HAPPY BIRTHDAY / SHIRO-MAJYO,KURO- MAJYO 2017 Drawing class, Nasu, Nursing home, Workshop, etc. Oil painting / Gallery joint exhibition in Kyoto (glass sash clips). Picture book FLOWER WAR 2019 Solo Exhibition at Nagano City Art Museum, November 21-25, 2019. Picture book Boku to Tamashii Lyrics / Composition MARRY CALL. 2020 Web joint exhibition organizer “Healing earth”, a joint exhibition of eight people on YouTube. 2021 Web joint exhibition organizer”Meme project ART exhibition 2021 Picture books,NOWAL 2022 Picture books , Blue Dragon Prince Presented herb coordinator certification by Japan Gardening Association.
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