【Profile】 My main works are for the book jacket, the book's cut. sometimes comic write, text write, design works. in 2012, I started as an illustrator. I wish to work in various fields worldwide! I was born in Saitama, grew up in Fukuoka, living in Tokyo, JAPAN. after graduating from the faculty of law of a university in Fukuoka, moved to Tokyo, worked as an engineer of computer, worked as comics writer assistant .while, learned in some illustration schools in a decade. 商業誌の装画、挿絵、ポスターなど、フリーのイラストレータとして活動中。 大学法学部卒業後、SE・ITコンサルタントとして勤務の傍ら漫画家アシスタントを経て、イラストレーターに。 アナログ+デジタル(PhotoshopCS6、ClipStudio)で作成。