- Contract Address
- 0xb30fc2d754c88c451275b743b6f530f19f643683
- Token ID
- 0x000000000001000004490000000cc158
The owners of this item are allowed the following: ・Owners can post images of the item on SNS ・Owners can use the image for their SNS icon ・Owners can post the entire (or parts of the) video, audio and screenshots on SNS or video sharing websites ・Owners can post owner exclusive contents to SNS ・Owners can print the image of the item for room decoration ・Owners can create a message card (to send to their friends) using the item image ・Owners can use the image of the item to produce merchandise for personal or commercial use ・Owners can use the image of the item to produce merchandise for sale or free distribution ・Owners can use the image to produce fanarts (eg. illustrations drawn by the fans) Precautions regarding the item ・The intellectual property rights (refers to copyrights, patents, utility models, trademarks, industrial design rights and other intellectual property rights (including the rights to obtain or to apply for registration of such rights)) of any creation (including but not limited to images or videos, music, trademarks, logos) regarding this item are protected by whom owns the copyrights, claims the related rights or have been entrusted to administer the rights of this item. Under such terms, owning this item does not imply the ownership of intellectual copyrights of any creations regarding this item. ・You shall not perform any acts that may infringe the intellectual property rights (including but not limited to editing, exhibiting, distributing, decompiling, reverse engineering) of this item, as well as actions beyond the boundaries listed above in "Rights held by the owner(s) of this item" without agreement by the item's copyright owner and related right holder, or whom administers such rights under their entrustment. ・Any uses of the creations regarding this item, such that are / may be offensive to the public order and morality or laws and ordinances, deemed inappropriate by the creator will not be accepted. ・The owners of rights of this item (copyright owner, related right holder and administrators of such rights under their entrustment) have no legal responsibilities for the damages suffered by the buyers, sellers, owners and other third-parties concerning the purchase, sale or use of this item regardless of its cause.
- 保有者限定コンテンツ