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Rey Parla The Human Forest Redux © 2022 by Rey Parla (2022)

Rey Parla(レイ・パルラ)   マイアミ生まれ、プエルトリコ・南フロリダ育ちのキューバ系アメリカ人。 映画フィルムのストックを使用して、スクラッチ、ペイント、コラージュした彼の作品は、独特の世界観を醸し出しています。 また彼の短編映画とドキュメンタリーはいくつかの映画祭で上映されているほか、写真はForbes, Brooklyn Rail, the New York Daily News, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Champ magazine, and Cultured magazineなど多くのメディアで取り上げられています。 今回AWAKES始動のきっかけとなった Wide AWAKES を、彼の弟でこちらも世界的アーティストであるホセ・パルラと立ち上げ、精力的に活動しています。 Rey Parla is a Cuban American artist born in Miami and raised partly in Puerto Rico and South Florida. Parla studied filmmaking at the Alliance Film and Video Cooperative and earned a B.A. in English Literature and a B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies with a Certificate in Film History & Theory from Florida International University. Rey Parla’s “Scratch-Graph” images have their origin in a series of hand-painted films the artist made in the 1990s. Using motion picture stocks (sometimes with photographed subjects), Parla scratches, paints on, and collages images in a process that physicalizes and gives visual representation to the metamorphic effect of memory. Parla layers and destroys pieces of film which he ultimately processes into unique photographic prints, with intersecting lines that recall microchips as well as urban streetscapes running in counterpoint to amorphous blocks of color. Frenetic but also tightly controlled, these images dialogue with Bridget Riley’s stripe paintings as much as they do with Man Ray’s photographs, with Jean Dubuffet’s all-over technique as well as the abstract films of Stan Brakhage. The manipulation of the pictorial artifact questions the idea of what a photograph is and what it can represent, both of the physical universe and of the viewer’s gaze. Parla has lectured at Savannah College of Art & Design. His short films and documentaries have screened at several films festivals, and his photography has been featured in Forbes, Brooklyn Rail, the New York Daily News, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Champ magazine, and Cultured magazine, and is part of several international private collections, including the Nancy A. Nasher and David J. Haemisegger Collection.

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「AWAKES/みんなの目覚め」 2021年、3.11から10年の節目、NYでホセ・パルラが立ち上げた世界的なアートムーヴメント Wide Awakesに呼応し、市民による放射能測定から派生したアーティストコレクティブ 「The 10th FUKUSHIMA, Nippon AWAKES( 以下Nippon AWAKES )」は結成された。 Nippon AWAKESの表現はいつも、毎日の生活の中から見えてくる社会課題の解決に還元されていく。 あらゆる文化はいつも少数から、そのことに気づいた人間の、時に理屈をも超えた確信によってかたちづくられる。そんな人間たちも屁をひねりゲップをしながら、私たちの日常と地続きのところで、新しくも普遍的な価値観を見出してきた。見過ごされがちな社会の問題を可視化、共有し、有機的に繋がりながら着実に前へ進む。本来、誰しもが持っているクリエイティビティの機能が、ここにある。

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