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TURTLE #0001


クリエイティブ・プロジェクト「Crypto Crest Animals」による、さまざまな動物たちが「Crest」になったアイテムです。 This is an item made by the creative project "Crypto Crest Animals", in which various animals are turned into "Crest".

Store details

2022年1月に発足したクリエイティブ・プロジェクト「Crypto Crest Animals」のオフィシャルNFTストアです。 さまざまな動物たちを、独自の解釈で「Crest」にしたアイテムを展開します。 This is the official NFT store of "Crypto Crest Animals," a creative project launched in January 2022. We feature items that represent various animals as "Crest" in our unique interpretation.

Owner-exclusive content

This item has content that can only be viewed by the owner.


Available currencies:
  • 日本円
  • ETH
If the item is resold after purchase, a portion of the sales (a set percentage as royalty) will be returned to the item creator.
About royalty
If the item is resold after purchase, a portion of the sales (a set percentage as royalty) will be returned to the item creator.
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